I've been attending the Maiden Voyage events and each one has been incredible.
Three weeks ago
David Miscavige gave an overview of the activities
Scientologists are doing all over the world to expand their churches.
Two weeks ago we found out that 48 new
Scientology missions were opened in towns and cities all over the world, and we also saw the plans for new Scientology churches in Orange County, Pasadena, Torino, Venezuela, Atlanta... there were more but I just can't remember them all.
Then last weekend we learned all about the
Scientology anti-drug campaign and what Scientologists are doing to guarantee human rights. The
Church of Scientology International recently helped Youth for Human Rights International create 30 public service announcements that illustrate all the rights laid out by the United Nations in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We were shown five of these ads at the event and they were so beautiful and so clear and so compelling. They take the subject, which is communicated in very dry, almost legal terms in the Universal Declaration, and turn it into something I believe will communicate to anyone who sees it.
Three of these PSAs can be downloaded from I Tunes (search I Tunes for "Youth for Human Rights")
I always love the briefings
David Miscavige gives at these events, and these have been the best I've seen so far!